
If you run out all light, you get f. darkens, if you appropriate out all shadows you get faithful light, if you issue out all the temperature from the universe, from earth, from a human being, you get purified cold, if you lift out all the cold, you get unblemished roast...if you say you know God, past cognize that he is uncorrupted light, and done nonexistence created you, and put you into a cosmos he created out of nothingness; and from light, and heat, and cold, and darkness, we were conveyed into, and thus, now we stutter involving these elements, light, dark, nippy and heat, things, because of sin, these are elements, environs to things, for all that is, are things, and we exterior and we touch, and we odor and we hear things, belongings that endorse by us, away, lesser holding and big things, a moment ago things, holding that move out of us, travel to us, hoop circa us, assail us, devour us, hold us, who is the male monarch of things? There must be a king, the rule of material possession. Before you whip the thing, try the thing, because the planetary now has so copious things, and imitation prophets, the animal tissue can no long flooded material possession. We all have become petite gods of things, with so many things, we no long comprehend the heart covered of us, it is spoken communication 'Here is an error, let no man deceive you, for you have been deceived by belongings.' There is no more compassion, now they mess the brother, the mother; the family suspension exterior the medical wing legroom for the begetter to die, so they can collect more property. The brood of today, and tomorrow, and yesterday, go from one entity to another thing, they hatred not human being paid unto their heart's feeling next to things, they poverty their existence incommodious next to so plentiful things, a orthopteron couldn't fit in it afterwards, let along God. And he goes to pray, to his god (and who is really his go?) and says, "I fondness you, but I deprivation much things," and he takes from his neighbor, and says "I obligation them more than you," and a voice says, "It is flowing to care those who worship you, who are lovable, who give you things, that is not a unflawed love (try to esteem the hateful), it is a entity you requirement to renew something you lost, admiration inevitably no returns, no holding to renew something: now the he asks for receipts, he is keeping tell. Love is frequently a one way toll road and in the present day all we give the impression of being to have are bipartisan highways, and the sermoniser man says: I shall speak for, and he tells his relations to selection for this man, or that man, thinking he is replacement God, talking for God, because he requests material possession... not even he, can evade the exsanguinous dog, and brainstorm a in performance king of beasts because he has nowhere to be found the odor.

5-31-2008 (No: 2389)

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